Monday, April 18, 2011


In response to TF’s comments on posting, suggest downloading Windows Live Writer.  Just google it –free to download and makes posting stuff much much easier, especially if you’re uploading pictures.  Been using it for ages now and recommended it to JtE who started using it about a year ago I think.


Having set off with not a cloud in the sky very early Saturday morning, a little disappointing to find the high fells in the Lakes a little clagged in at the start of the Grasmere Lakes and Tarns event.  However, this soon cleared and a glorious day evolved although not in time to get the best views from the summit of Fairfield.  A good 20 mile outing with 6,565ft of climbing, which might explain why my quads are creaking going down stairs todaySmile

Piccies will be here soon.

Another Lakes weekend coming up – so not out this Saturday



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