Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Top ToPing

EtU's ToP results posting has sorted me out. I was a bit peeved at missing this year's race but seeing the results I was better out of it, otherwise I'd have been shown to be an imposter. The V70 winner's time was remarkable. Last year I didn't get announced at the presentation. Now I can see why. Kieran obviously knew what was coming. Well done to our new ToP stars. Also to TF who continues to improve, though judging by one of her recent posts she has probably not "figured" it out yet.

EtU has a strong case for painting me as a Lowry but I have to brush it aside. The trouble with Lowry as far as I'm concerned is that he had a tendency to flesh out his characters too much. For authentic Matchstick man see photo below.

Beyond Lowry

I'm not sure if EtU is implying that like Salford folk I can't read or write, but it does strike close to home. I've had close encounters with these subjects but not really had much contact with them. The proof is in front of you, unless your eyes are not in the standard location.

I'm back running now after a couple of months off with unhappy back, received as a result of a failed attempt at flying. I had a slight set-back on my second outing when I attempted to assault a large and formidable step with my knee. In the face of this unprovoked and vicious attack the step remained unmoved, which is more than can be said for my patella. Next time I'll use my head. Similar density. Anyway since then I've been running for a couple of weeks(not continuously), which for me, these days, represents a sustained spell. My objectives are no longer to increase the speed and length of my runs, rather the duration between injuries. I have the somewhat ludicrous ambition of seeing the year out without further mishap. One can only dream. And One does!

I have not yet taken to the hills but when I do, who knows, our paths may yet cross. Just as long as our eyes dont. See you on the 11th. You can't say thats not fair warning.

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