Saturday, May 01, 2010

Two Lads viaTrespass Stone X 2

Having had an excellent run out as described by JtE followed by coffee and refreshments back at the Lower Barn, I decided to trot back up to Two Lads.  FSS had set out for a 30+ target for the morning, so no need for me to rush home.  Finding the crowds disagreeable at LB, I drove round to Wilders Wood to park up and just do two or three laps up to the Cairns and round. 

Running up the path to the water station, just past Edz newly erected (Tues eve) cairn, I heard a runner behind me, stepping aside to let him/her pass, imagine my surprise when I turned to find FSS.  What a bonus!  My plans forgotten, we joined forces to visit WH trigpoint again, passed the benchmark top’o’t’Ramp (again) down over Counting Hill, paying our respects to SB en route, down to Smithills Reser (again), down to the Trespass Stone (again) HURRAH :0) and along Coalpit Rd, back up to Burnt Edge.  I then ran long the top of the quarries leaving FSS to run down to his car at Gingham Brow.  Crossing the road I picked up the path to go up to Two Lads (again) before turning back to retrace my steps down to Georges Lane and the car at Wilders Wood.

Fantastic outing(s) for the day and I now know what to do to be able to run comfortably with FSS – make him do 26m before joining him!

Total for the day 18.43m  - 2,811ft climbed


EtU has his very own benchmark on the gatepost of the cottage at Wasdale – news received via a very superior email!


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