Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Complicated Morning Out

but I’ll try to explain.

The team at UTUP was YJ, EtU, T’Y, NR and me. YJ had already run six miles and EtU had done something similar but had run from home. A route was initially devised in order to find TLoB who intended to start at 9.30 and be found in the Winter Hill, Two Lads and Pike area. We started by the Ornamental Gardens to Pike Cottage and Wilderswood and then,skirting Two Lads, across moorland to the Trespass Stone and from there to Winter Hill. We assumed that this longish route to Winter Hill would compensate in time for TLoB’s late start. No sign of him there, and to make matters worse the clag was down, it was miserably cold and it was raining. Down to Two Lads we went and still no sign and so to the foot of the Pike. At this point a solitary figure was seen to appear out of the clag on the side of the Pike. T’Y passed some comment to the effect that as the figure was obviously overweight and moving slowly it must be TLoB, and it was! Pleasantries were passed over the next five minutes and then he left us to go to his car parked at Wildersood. NR also left us at this point to get in more training elsewhere. It was from there to the Top Barn where EtU and T’Y left for home. Here the rain stopped! YJ and I carried on to Rivington Green and then, skirting the bomber memorial, went as far as Manor House Farm where we turned steeply down to the head of High Bullough reservoir. Then a short climb to take the path skirting Anglezarke reservoir followed by the Cascades route and to Rivington Bowling Club finishing at the Lower Barn.

Miles (for me): 15.76. Elevation: +2,544 / –2,549.

For YJ: An additional 6 miles and the relevant elevation.

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