Monday, April 26, 2010


Having been encouraged(?) by three walk/runs on the moors above Horwich and then two more whilst in Devon, I thought I would try a continuous run yesterday.

There is a circuit of 5km, some of which is off road, from my house which used to take me about 25mins. The morning had been showery and cool so that would have been the sensible time to go, but she who is never wrong said otherwise. As a result is was about 4 when I set off and very muggy. After five minutes my mouth was dry and after ten I was tired and wishing I hadn’t bothered. However, I had determined to run the whole way so I kept going. (If you look run up in the dictionary, it goes into some technical jargon about feet not touching the ground – what I was doing counted as running because I was moving and not walking). Things did improve a bit and I made it in a personal worst of 30min 44sec.

Things can only get better- I hope.


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