Sunday, February 21, 2010

This should make you smile and why my Mum's the best Mum

The usually efficient TF had to ring the parents about an hour ago trying not to sound too panicky and say 'I haven't turned the whole house upside down yet, but I can't find my passport'.

There then followed about ten minutes of careful quizzing from my Dad with 'when did you last have it, what bag, what coat etc' questions all of which I'd checked. Then sounds in the background and my mum had awoken and wanted to know what was up and why the late phone call. So my Dad just summarized 'She can't find her passport'.

All she said was

'Well you had it 2 weeks ago when your Dad asked you to send a copy of it so we could book tickets for the ferry, so it must be in the house somewhere'

One passport located under the lid of the scanner. One very grateful daughter.


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