Sunday, January 24, 2010

Clag and all that....

An equally crisp morning over near Hebden Bridge, the mist lifting by 9.30am to return by 11.00am. I need to put a note in my diary to make more of an effort to arrive in plenty of time for this one, although I can't blame the queue in the little girls room this time but rather the icy road conditions down from the White House pub to Cragg Vale.

The superb provisions at the check points made for a very gentle trot out managing 14m in just under 3.5hrs. It's a good job I kept out of the canal because I might have sank like a stone, the two chunky pieces of Stollen at the last check point wouldn't have helped.

I only managed 3 lengths on Friday before spluttering to a stop. I can't believe it's because I'm swimming fast enough to get out of breath, so there must be some sort of knack to it. Will keep practising!


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