Monday, April 13, 2009

Too Much Time on my Hands

I must have to do this, just had a crash course/Master class from FSS in import/exporting stuff from SportsTracks to Memory Map and I have to say my head is battered.  But I thought you might find it interesting. JtE in particular in pursuance of the mystery path.

(Click to enlarge)


You can see from our actual route (red line) that we picked up the footpath from Belmont Road and then departed from it to pick up the trod that was visible over Bromiley Pastures bringing us directly to Spitlers, but some way along.  The path over the ridge that we would normally have taken is not actually a footpath at all, but look where the designated path takes us back to – yes Pimms and the mystery path ergo this should give us another interesting and alternative route from Great Hill, avoiding the road and picking up the path over to Spitlers.   The path we couldn’t find yesterday is not marked on the map either, perhaps we could build a little cairn some time!


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