Sunday, December 07, 2008

Towards 23rd May 2009

The campaign was scheduled to start on 1st December, with a target mileage for the month of 30 per week (133 for the month). Although this may seem modest, the most I’ve averaged since June was 28 in both September and October, with only 23 in November, so 30 will be a move in the right direction. Mileage in the early months should be relatively easy to achieve, especially with JtE’s Amble campaign to ride on the back of. We’ll see how we go.

However the month started with a slight hiccup in that family duties precluded training on the 1st, but the situation was recovered, and by 11:00 a.m. on the 7th I had got the 30 miles in.

BMI (I know it’s not the best indicator, but it’s easy to do, and it is all about relativity, rather than absolutes) target is 22.5. On the last Wednesday before campaign commencement it was 23.8; means I’ve got 9lbs to lose by mid May ~ approx ½ lb per week. However now is not a good starting point, as I’ve just had a week with bad guts, so weight is artificially down and with Christmas just around the corner I don’t expect to see any real progress until the new year.

The overall plan is to gradually ramp up the weekly miles (maxing at 50 in April), race frequently on the fells, monitor weight loss and race road 10ks as often as practical to assess progress. Watch this space ~ but rest assured, I won’t be boring you with frequent updates, just one at the beginning of each month.


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