Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Piriformis Stretch

Another stretch, with instructions based upon pain in the right buttock.

Sit on floor with left leg stretched out. Cross bent right leg over left leg with foot in line with knee or higher.

Place left hand or better still, left elbow on right side of right knee, and apply pressure to keep locked.

With right hand on floor behind you for support, twist upper body to right as far as you can, 90 degrees if possible.

Hold for 10 secs. Do 10 times.

Another stretch I have found helpful is the squat but with feet fully on the ground. I hold onto a weight placed in front of me on the ground. This increases the stretch, bringing the back of the thighs closer to the calves, whilst enabling balance to be retained. Hold for as long as you wish.

Sorry for the text appearing alongside the photo on the other article(looks amateurish). I assembled it with the text below but somehow in transferring to the blog it moved to the side.

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